Thursday, May 19, 2005

Lost Between Two Shores

10 days R&R in the Turks and Caicos Islands have now passed, and 9 days remain before the CIPA Open Championships. The T&C were everything I could have hoped for - good diving, good company, and enough spare time to fit some training in. Not to mention a trip down memory lane, to an environment very similar to the one I grew up in.

The training was simply a mixture of wet & dry Hypercapnia tables ( table 'A' ). Not as abrasive as it sounds - the breathold time set to fixed 4 minute periods, with decreasing breathe-up intervals that range from 3 mins to 1m15s. Whether wet or dry was simply dictated by the pool temperature, and ended up being about 50/50 of each type. On the last day, I tried a dry progressive static. I couldn't get past 5 minutes. Dehydration? Over-training?? Perhaps a bit of both, with some pre-travelling stress thrown in for good measure. Anyway, I've put that behind me now, and since returning have managed 6m30s and 7m dry statics without too much problem.

I think that now it's time to come off the hypercapnia / hypoxia training, and concentrate on daily progressive statics. Also some CW training at the NDC. I need to make sure I am comfortable using Liquivision goggles in competition ( AIDA rules now allow these ).

Looking forward to Nice...but also beyond that, when I can make a start with digital underwater

1 comment:

Laura Storm said...

Coconuts, coconuts!! Elf is made up. Mume has promised not one, but two potcakes. Potcakes being street dogs that sleep in pot holes in the road rather than the mind altering, mood enhancing, chocolate brownie version one might have expected the elf to mean. There's a catch. There always is with Mume ... we have to elope to the T&C isles in order to adopt our potcakes. Hmmmm, live in the sun with coconuts and two potcake puppies or stay, doomed to a life of suburban lawn mowing and puppy vouchers. I think it's Mume's way of keeping the elf out of trouble. Oh he's smart! Stick her on a desert island with a couple a strays ... no chance of mischief. They have cockroaches on desert islands, mighty big ones Mume, and a vodka bar!