Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Yogi Bare

My completed entry form for the CIPA Open in Nice, at the end of May, is now en route. Just under 10 weeks to prepare. If I can mix my training as well as I mixed my drinks on Saturday night, I should be on to a winner. I don’t normally get paralytic going out with my friends for a Chinese meal. I somehow misunderstood that Caiprinas, Stella Artois and white wine are not condusive to sobriety when combined. Or being bright-eyed and bushy-tailed the next day.

The key to this year’s training plan is to drop the occasional yoga session, and replace time spent there with specific stretches and exercises from Pelizzari’s Freediving Manual. For the final six weeks, an intensive high CO2 / low O2 tolerance conditioning ( for which I’ll need to find an hour each day ).

This will be a challenge, especially as I made some purchases at LIDS that will require some of my attention in the weeks to come. I have ordered a PT027 housing. This is designed for the Olympus C7070, but I am assured that the C5060WZ ( my camera ) fits just as well, and that problems in predecessor housing PT020 have been eliminated. This hasn’t arrived yet, but I did walk out of LIDS with an Epoque ES150 digital strobe and the filter I was after. Once I find out how to connect everything together, I’ll need to work out how to use it. Splashdown divers have a good ‘dummies guide’. More clues at digital diver.

The bad news is that I don’t think I’ll be clued or kitted up enough before the next excursion to The Turks and Caicos Islands, at the beginning of May. Still, at least I can enjoy the simplicity of my Sea & Sea MX10 for perhaps the last time?


Lars said...

What low O2 / high CO2 regime are you planning to use for your training?

Mark H said...

For the O2 tolerance, I'm working out some exercises that alternate hyperventilation with empty lung statics ( dry of course). There are a couple of threads on this at deeperblue.net at the moment.

For CO2 tolerance, simply using the tried and trusted Pelizzaristatic tables ( constant static periods with ever decreasing breathe-up intermissions )

Laura Storm said...

Mume has been indulging in some heavy breathing. Not the pleasurable sort ;) ... but a strange type of huffing and puffing. Elf thinks he's attempting a mutation. We found a toad doing much the same thing on an escapade to our very trendy local 'R' bar. Mume became instantly infatuated with the toad. I tried to tell him that a kiss wouldn't turn it into a princess, but he was smitten! Sadly, toad took one final breath and leapt to an untimely death. Her greenish remains splattered in every direction, squished by an Esherite's jag. Mume was distraught, he seems to think he can learn some undiscovered secret from pond life. Elf thinks it's just hot air.
Intensive training in the Harris / Storm house. Elf and Mume are neck and neck in a simultaneous experiment to achieve high CO2 / low O2 conditioning. Elf has chosen the leprechaun's low road of vodka, vanilla fudge and Velvet Revolver. Mume is going for broke with an elaborate and punishing regime of abstinence, apnea walks and alfalfa sprouts. I know I'll win, but when dog vouchers are at stake Mume could get devious. I suspect he might try to sneak a hypoxic blend into one of my deco tanks. No chance Mr!! I have it covered.