Thursday, March 03, 2005

LIDS For Cameras?

High time for an update. The near-Arctic conditions we have been experiencing these past couple of weeks, have chilled my enthusiasm for weblogging, and yet newsworthy events have occurred. To start with, the BFA committee has expanded its ranks to include a new groups officer, membership officer, and press officer. As newly-appointed press officer, I have completed my first task of producing an FAQ style flyer for the BFA. This is due to go on distribution at the London International Dive show this weekend.

On the subject of LIDS ( which we are planning to descend on this Saturday ), how could the organisers manage to schedule two sensational freediving lectures at the same time? At 13:45 in Platinum Suite 1, we have Mike Rutzen lecturing on his freediving experiences with Great White Sharks. At the same time in PS2, the world's deepest freediver Loic Leferme talks about his recent no-limits record acquisition. Freedivinghas taught me several techniques for controlling mind and body, but being in two places at the same time isn't one of them.

Dan Burton will also be talking in PS1 at 11:15 about Underwater Digital Photography. I'm not sure if I will have purchased my underwater housing and colour filter by then, but my aim is to carry both of these out of the exhibition by the end of the day. If all goes to plan it will be on to the Baltic at Southwark for a vodka or two, a bite to eat at The Anchor and Hope, and then a 3D screening of James Cameron's 'Aliens of the Deep' at the BFI IMAX.

Of course, apart from the lectures and purchases at LIDS, there's always a lot of socialising going on. Last weekend I spent all day Sunday teaching in the Royal Navy Submarine Escape Training Tower at HMS Dolphin ( a 30 metre high / deep hot water tub ). The organisers and instructors in 'the tank' that day are all planning on turning up, so we will be having an early reunion. Perhaps we can persuade one or two to retreat to the Baltic post show?

1 comment:

Laura Storm said...

I knew it wouldn't last long. In an attempt to encourage good elf behaviour, Mume introduced a dog voucher savings scheme. 1000 vouchers equals a dog. In one month the elf has saved 20. Quite something. And that includes Theo's 10! .... so the elf has some way to go. Bad behaviour loses vouchers, good behaviour gains. It's a lose, lose situation.
We've been schmoozing with the Surrey Set and despite May's competition training schedule, the elf is impressed with Mume's intoxication levels. The good news is that the best people live in Surrey. They're on the elf's side. Peer pressure has reduced the 1000 target to 400. Elf is made up. In just over a year and a half I'll have my dog ... if I tow the line that is.