Sunday, December 12, 2004

Monkey Magic

Another week of pre-Xmas over-indulgence has not dented dry static times - this morning's final was 6m30s again. Big surprise of the week was my reward for providing sterling service throughout 15 years of marriage - Pelizzari's Manual of Freediving - hand delivered by Laura Ashley.

Ninety minutes remain before the taxi picks us up for the first part of our journey to Mombasa. I am greatly pleased that it has been so cold and dark today - it will make me appreciate the warmth and sunshine at the other end, even more. Even the winter birds couldn't be tempted into the back garden today, though we did have a visit from next door's rat. It stood up on its hind legs quite brazenly, looking through our back door window at me.

I'll see that look again in just a day or two. The impeccably mannered troop of Vervet monkeys that live with Ivor at Tiwi beach. Just like garden rat, they have much patience.

1 comment:

Laura Storm said...

The elfs effervescent holiday spirit has just been boosted with some pre flight, pre diving dehydration in the airport bar. A 3hr delay has led to an unfortunate enforced drinking binge. The husband isn't too amused. 15 years of sterling service my arse!
Oh, and the rat, yes well he's a regular visitor and a welcome one too. I hand feed him chocolate coated nuts.
Adios my friends, adios.