Sunday, October 29, 2006

Tbird Flies

Like You
Originally uploaded by Laura Storm.

Pictured here is one of the USA’s freediving freedom fighters, Theo Ivanovic. A national record-holder, survivor of a shark attack, and as of this week…proud father of new son Ilya. Another minor achievement ( which pales into insignificance compared to his most recent ), is that he snatched my NDAC constant weight record away from me about 3 weeks after I set it. So, not such a nice guy, huh? I suppose I can forgive him – at 64 metres he’s nowhere near his own PB, and joking aside, he’s one of freediving’s finest.

The last 2 months have seen a surge of activity in UK freediving. Firstly, the Saltfree Summer Splash 2006 competition – top UK female being Anne-Marie Kitchen-Wheeler, and on the men’s front Paul Whincup. I chose not to compete, but to judge – something I have done before at national record attempts, but not in competition. I wouldn’t say I didn’t enjoy the experience, but I do know it isn’t something I want to progress further with. I’m judging again in a fortnight at the Mavericks BFA Pool Competition, so that perhaps that will influence my long-term decision…but I doubt it. I love competitive freediving, and if I’m not competing myself, then helping out with things like safety diving. I just don’t like disqualifying clean performances on technicalities, that’s all.

With the Saltfree Splash done and dusted, the BFA were able to select the 10-strong UK freediving team for the coming 2006 World Championships – just four short weeks away. My sponsors ( John Lewis and Suunto ) will be pleased to know that I’m provisionally on the team, although the split between the 3 competitors and 2 reservists will not be decided until after training has taken place in Egypt. Both men and women’s teams have a huge challenge ahead – standards have been raised higher than the last time the UK competed in Vancouver. We have new blood in the teams though, and are made up of people with spirit and good humour. I’m looking forward to being part of it, and to meeting old friends from around the world again.

The last thing to mention on the UK freediving scene, is last week’s BFA AGM, and the challenge for the chair. The two contenders are Steve Gardiner and Rachel Sharp. They are both good candidates for the post ( which has changed it’s aspect from ‘driving’ to ‘overseeing’ ), so it now goes to the vote. If you are reading this and are a BFA member, then read the manifestos carefully.

A couple of things to finish off with – my partially removed mole has undergone histology and been officially diagnosed as Lentigo Maligna. Bad that it is pre-cancerous and symptomatic of my sun-damaged skin, but good that it hadn’t turned invasive. The only additional treatment now is the final excision in January.

Lastly, I am about to wave goodbye to the Elf for two weeks, as she flies out of the October gloom to the shores of Tiwi beach, in Kenya. For me, I have just emerged from 6 weeks of post-op recuperation, head colds and tummy bugs. So when I am not working, I have a bit of catching up to do on the training front.